Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday 13, 2009

50m Breast stroke/50m Kick board x 3
50m run/50m high step/ 100m side step x 3
50m breast stroke x 3
50m kick board x 3
1 min mod hand plant x 3

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Training Log

Swimming log 3-6-09
5 laps breast stroke
5 mins. bicycle kicks
3 laps b.s.
1 lap high step

Friday, May 9, 2008

In the beginning

I woke up, that was the first step in the right direction. I don't mean wake up from slumber, more woke up to the fact I was unhappy with how I had let myself become.
"The sleeper has awakened"
I took a long hard look at myself and opted to make some changes.

The first step was to reshape my body.
I am 5'11" tall and was 220lbs. Not acceptable.
I started boxing and swimming to lose weight and get fit.
My dear friend Bret began training me and with the aid of Courtney, Lauren and N.I.X.
I have stayed true to my training and my goals.
I am now at 183lbs with a goal of 170lbs and tight.

Next step rethink my life and goals.
I am a stay at home mom. I love being there for my son but, decided I wanted to be able to provide for him and my family should that need arise.
To that end I have made arrangements to go back to school. My chosen field is nursing.
I start classes on June 2, 2008.

Final step renew. To me this means bringing it all together to make myself the best I can be. Stay focused on what is important and let the rest take care of itself.